Balance XPR26PC

Balance XPR26PC

ISO 8655 Pipette Balance.The XPR26PC is the perfect solution for ISO 8655-compliant pipette testing. With a readability of 1 μg and a repeatability of 1.5 μg, the XPR26PC fulfills ISO 8655:2022 requirements for micro-pipettes with dispensing volumes as small as 0.5 μL.

ISO 8655 Compliance for Volumes ≥0.5 μL

With a readability of 1 μg, the XPR26PC fulfills the ISO 8655:2022 requirements for single channel pipettes dispensing volumes ≥0.5 μL.

Fast Pipette Testing

Pass the pipette tip through the integrated light sensor, and the lid will automatically open or close. Adjustable for left and right handed users.

Non-Stop Testing

The waste container holds up to 10 mL, meaning 10 μL can be pipetted 1,000 times before it needs to be emptied.

Material No.: 30355534

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Uninterrupted Operation

A suction pump comes included with each XPR26PC. This compact pump can quickly empty the waste container without needing to disassemble the balance.

Step-by-Step ISO 8655 Guidance

The supplementary Calibry PC software guides users through complete ISO 8655 pipette workflows, giving you the reassurance that all steps and calculations are completed correctly. All users follow the same instructions, ensuring consistent testing procedures.

Compliant Data Management and Reporting

The Calibry PC software stores results in a secure SQL database, informs you when pipette tests are due, and can generate customized reports. Calibry helps you fulfill ALCOA+ data integrity requirements and assists with 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.

Ergonomic Pipetting Workstation

A special weighing table is available as an accessory. This is made of two independent tables to prevent vibrations from the user influencing the measurement speed and results. It is fully adjustable to ensure an ergonomic position for the user.

Efficient Balance Testing

An accurate balance means accurate pipettes. The CarePac® weight set with OIML/ASTM 1 g and 20 g weights is perfect for routine performance testing of the XPR26PC balance.

Benefit From Our Pipetting Know-How

METTLER TOLEDO’s Good Pipetting Practice™ (GPP™) is a systematic approach to maximizing pipetting accuracy. Improve your skills to produce consistent results, and understand how proper technique can influence data quality.

Comprehensive Service Offering

Our services include installation and qualification, calibration, maintenance, and routine testing to ensure your balance is fit for purpose and meets industry standards and regulatory requirements. Customize your service package to meet your precise needs.


Specifications - Balance XPR26PC

Maximum Capacity
22 g
0.001 mg
Repeatability, typical
0.0007 mg
Settling Time
3.5 s
Internal (automatic/FACT)
Bluetooth (optional)
Ethernet (LAN)
RS232 (integrated/optional)
USB-A (to device)
USB-B (to device)
User Management
Password protection
Unlimited Amount of Users
User Rights
Legal for Trade
Dimensions (HxWxD)
292 mm x 195 mm x 485 mm
Linearity ±
0.003 mg
Documentation Options
Automatic Documentation (21 CFR Part 11 Compliant)
Basic Electronic Documentation
Compliance Options
Data Integrity
Log history (21 CFR Part 11 Compliant)
Log history (Basic Metadata)
Password protection
Balance Line
Balance Type
Analytical Balance
Recommended for Food QC
Entry Lab Balances
21 CFR Part 11 Compliant Weighing
Automation Options
Automated Workflows
EasyScan RFID option: Ensures traceable pipette routine testing



Datasheet: XPR26PC
Datasheet: XPR26PC (pdf - 261 KB)
Download this datasheet to learn more about specifications and accessories of XPR26PC.
Pipette Calibration Software Datasheet
Calibry is the ideal software for managing ISO 8655 calibrations and performance verifications of single and multichannel pipettes in laboratory weigh...

Library Items

How to Comply with the ISO 8655 Revisions for Pipettes
The 2022 revisions to ISO 8655 included significant changes for pipettes. This guide explains the updates and what you need to do to ensure compliance...



CarePac OIML 1g/20g F1 Cal
CarePac® Small F1 1g/20g inlcuding accessories for handling and cleaning and a calibration certificate

Material No.: 30550617

Interfaces, Cables and Power Supplies

A terminal extension cable; length 4.5 m

Material No.: 30300920

Weighing Tables

Weighing table for analytical balances and XPR/XPE 26/56 microbalances

Material No.: 11138042



Hands-free Accessories, Stands & Displays & Data Readers

With this external RFID module, you benefit from electronic read/write data transfer via the RFID labels on samples, containers, and dosing heads; powered by the balance via USB

Material No.: 30416173

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Balance XPR26PC