Gas Phase Reaction and Headspace Monitoring in the Lab and Plant

DST Series Fiber to Gas Cell  

Gas Phase Reaction and Headspace Monitoring in the Lab and Plant

The DST Series Fiber to Gas Cell is the recommended sampling technology for gas phase reaction and headspace monitoring in the lab and for general purpose plant applications, including non-Haz Loc and ATEX. The DS Fiber to Gas Cell sampling technology allows maximum optical conduit flexibility without the need for alignment.

The Gas Cell is available with a heating option, can accommodate various pressure requirements and is constructed of custom materials to meet compatibility requirements.  The heating option cannot be used in ATEX environments.*

Please contact METTLER TOLEDO for information about special requirements including custom sizing, extreme-temperature, high-pressure or hazardous area applications.
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Spesifikasjoner - DST Series Fiber to Gas Cell  

Material nummer 14474724, 14474763, 14474764


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DST Series Fiber to Gas Cell