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METTLER TOLEDO Standard Terms and Conditions for Sales and Service


1. CONTRACT – These terms and conditions, together with any other supplemental written terms we give you pertaining to your order or service agreement, form a contract between you, the buyer of certain equipment (including parts and other merchandise), software license, and/or services (the "Buyer"), and us, the METTLER TOLEDO entity identified on the quote, order acknowledgement, service agreement, invoice, or other order document we give you ("MT"). The rights and obligations identified in this contract apply to Buyer's purchase of the equipment, software license, and services identified in the MT order documents. If Buyer's order includes software subject to an end user license agreement ("EULA"), the terms of the EULA also apply and have priority over these terms. Terms and conditions that are different or changed from these only apply if both parties agree to them in writing. Terms or conditions included on Buyer's forms, including Buyer's standard terms and conditions of purchase and documents presented to MT's field service representatives, are not part of this contract. Buyer's receipt of equipment, software license, and/or services establishes its unqualified acceptance of these terms and conditions and any applicable EULA available at


2. GRANT OF LICENSE – If there is no EULA, MT grants Buyer a non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, and non-transferable right to use the software ordered for Buyer's internal purposes only. Buyer may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble any software it licenses from MT.


3. QUOTATIONS, PUBLISHED PRICES, AND PRODUCT INFORMATION – Quotes and other offers of sale automatically expire 30 calendar days from the date issued unless otherwise stated, and unless MT withdraws the quote or offer earlier, which it may do any time prior to Buyer's acceptance of the quote or offer. Quotes and offers relating to custom equipment or software may rely on certain information and circumstances, including information Buyer provides. If information or circumstances on which a quote or offer relies change, MT may adjust its quote or offer. Published prices are not offers to sell and may be changed without notice. MT may change equipment or software specifications without notice unless it agreed to the specification(s) in writing. Prices do not include any taxes, shipping, packaging, handling, insurance, duties, inspection fees, permit fees, installation, or other costs or services unless otherwise specified in the MT order documents. MT may choose to accept or reject any order; MT will indicate order acceptance: (a) with a written order confirmation; or (b) by executing the order. Specific product characteristics, including but not limited to product weight, dimensions, value, return on investment, load, tolerance, and other technical data are not guarantees of those characteristics and are provided for information only. Buyer is not permitted to disclose any quotes, prices, specifications, or product information to any third party without MT's prior written consent.


4. TAXES – If local law requires MT to collect any tax from Buyer it will be added to Buyer's invoice and Buyer will be responsible to pay it, unless Buyer gives MT a valid tax exemption certificate. If an exemption certificate Buyer gives MT is later determined to be invalid, then Buyer will pay the previously unpaid tax.




5. TERMS OF PAYMENT – Unless otherwise agreed, prepayment of no less than 30% of the total contractual amount shall be paid within ten (10) days from the date of signing of this contract, and after Buyer pays the remaining payments, MT will deliver the goods or services in a reasonable period. Under any circumstances, the remaining payments must be paid no later than 30 days after MT notifies Buyer it is to deliver the goods. 

If the products require MT's supervision of installation and commissioning, and both parties agree in writing that certain percentages of the contractual amount will be paid upon completion of the installation and commissioning and Buyer’s acceptance of the performance afterwards, and where Buyer fails to arrange the installation and commissioning and complete the test within sixty (60) days as of the date of delivery, then the related portion of the contractual amount shall become due immediately and any acceptance provisions are deemed accepted.

Amounts past due are subject to a default charge equal to the greater of 5‰ per day or the maximum contract rate permitted by law. If amounts are past due for more than 30 days, MT will have the right to terminate the contract. Upon default and placing Buyer’s account for collection or repossession of equipment, Buyer agrees to reimburse collection costs, legal fees, and court costs MT insures in connection therewith. If MT deems that by reason of the financial condition of Buyer or otherwise, the continuance, production or shipment on the terms specified is not justified, MT may require full or partial payment in advance.




6. SHIPPING, HANDLING, AND DELIVERY – Delivery dates are approximate and are based on prompt receipt of all necessary information regarding the equipment to be delivered, including but not limited to any technical information, notice of delivery and any import/export authorizations required by law or regulation. MT will use reasonable efforts to meet the indicated delivery and service dates but will not be held responsible for its failure to do so. Risk of loss shall passes to Buyer upon delivery to a carrier. In the event of any delay in delivery caused by Buyer, MT will store and handle all items at Buyer's risk and will invoice Buyer for the unpaid portion of the contract price, plus applicable storage, insurance, and handling charges. The invoice will be payable in full within 30 days from the invoice date. MT has the right to make partial shipments and bill for those shipments. MT will not accept responsibility for any shortages or damages unless all shipping containers and packing materials are retained for inspection.

If the delivery date is not stipulated or not specified in the Contract, or theContract stipulates that the delivery date will be fixed upon Buyer's notice after the signing of the contract, Buyer shall then notify MT to deliver the goods immediately at latest within 30 days upon MT's notice of readiness for goods delivery, otherwise MT has the right to claim all damages resulting from Buyer's delay of notice. Under any circumstances, the aforementioned delivery period shall not exceed three months upon MT's notice of readiness for goods delivery, otherwise MT has the right to decide (1) to increase the price appropriately according to market situations; (2) to ask for early payment of undue payment(s); or (3) to unilaterally terminate the contract by part or in whole, in such case, MT will be entitled to 30% of the contract price of the cancelled order(s) as damages, if the liquidated damages are not adequate to compensate for MT's losses, the Buyer shall pay the rest.

Shipments are Ex Works.


7. RETURNS – Equipment, or licenses on software, that is engineered, modified, customized, or configured especially for Buyer cannot be returned unless there is a valid warranty claim and the equipment or software cannot be repaired. Buyer cannot return equipment that is altered, damaged, used, or previously installed. Unless MT makes a shipping error or Buyer makes a valid warranty claim, unused off the shelf equipment may be returned only if Buyer contacts MT for approval and return instructions prior to returning anything. At its discretion, MT may charge Buyer a restocking fee for any return.


8. CANCELLATION – With MT's written approval, Buyer may cancel its order prior to the shipment of equipment or software, or prior to the beginning of a service contract. MT may cancel Buyer's order or require payment in advance if Buyer transfers assets for the benefit of its creditors, or if MT has reason to believe Buyer is unwilling or unable to perform its commitments. If Buyer cancels its order other than as permitted by this section, Buyer must pay MT all amounts due pursuant to the order. If Buyer's order is cancelled for any reason Buyer will pay MT for reasonable costs and expenses (including engineering expenses and all commitments to MT's suppliers and subcontractors) incurred prior to MT receiving notice of cancellation, plus MT's usual rate of profit for similar work. The minimum cancellation charge is 30% of the price.


9. CHANGES – Buyer may make changes to its order if MT consents in writing. To accommodate Buyer's request for changes MT may change pricing and delivery schedules. If MT performed work or purchased materials in anticipation of Buyer's order, and the change Buyer requests makes that work or materials unnecessary, Buyer is still responsible for paying for them.

10. 担保权益——买方同意梅特勒托利多享有买方所购买产品以及软件许可的价款担保权益:如买方不能足额及时向梅特勒托利多支付货款,梅特勒托利多可以用买方购买的产品或软件作为收回货款的担保,一旦买方不能在合理时间内清偿债务的,梅特勒托利多有权作为担保物权人以前述产品或软件的价值来实现自己的债权。买方应协助梅特勒托利多采取各种必要措施改善和保护梅特勒托利多的担保权益。如买方违约,梅特勒托利多有权行使法律上的任何权利和救济。

10. SECURITY INTEREST – Buyer grants MT a purchase money security interest in the equipment and software license it purchases, acknowledges the validity of this grant, and agrees not to challenge the legitimacy of this grant. Buyer will assist MT in taking all necessary actions to perfect and protect MT's security interest. MT is entitled to any of the rights and remedies provided by law or in equity only if Buyer defaults on its obligations to MT.

11. 质量保证—— 在梅特勒托利多未向买方就质量另行作出单独保证的情况下,梅特勒托利多对所提供的产品、软件和服务作且仅作下列保证。在法律允许的最大范围内,梅特勒托利多不作出任何其他明示或默示的保证(包括但不限于适销性或特定目的的适用性方面的保证)。非经梅特勒托利多的事先书面同意,本条所述保证不得转让给随后的产品买方或随后的软件被许可人。此外,如梅特勒托利多违反其在本合同项下之保证,下述规定将构成买方唯一的救济措施。




C. 服务——梅特勒托利多保证,其将秉持专业精神提供相关服务,其所提供的服务符合行业标准。如买方在相关服务履行完毕后的三十日(30)日内发现其有不符合规定之处且立即书面通知了梅特勒托利多,则梅特勒托利多有义务提供必要的服务、指导或咨询,以纠正该不合规定之处。

D. 一般规定——前述保证进一步适用下列一般规定:(i)耗材、配件、正常磨损、易损件、易坏品不适用前述质量保证的规定;(ii)如买方要求梅特勒托利多在非正常工作时间提供本节所述质量保证工作,则梅特勒托利多有权要求买方支付额外费用;(iii)如在梅特勒托利多产品和(或)软件之上发生下列情形则上述保证不再适用:意外事故、修改、错误使用、滥用,买方未能正确保管或按规定操作和(或)由非经梅特勒托利多授权的人员维护、安装或提供服务,将未经梅特勒托利多许可的产品添加或整合到梅特勒托利多产品、未经梅特勒托利多许可将梅特勒托利多产品整合到买方环境之中,使用买方/第三方提供的软件或界面以及其它梅特勒托利多不应为此负责的原因;(iv)梅特勒托利多不保证任何天平的校准,但梅特勒托利多保证在本质量保证期内所有由其制造的天平能够经适当调试满足梅特勒托利多产品说明书确定的规格,并在适当安装和使用的前提下实现特定型号天平的称重精度;(v)梅特勒托利多销售的、由其它制造商制造的产品,梅特勒托利多的质量保证仅限于原始制造商提供的质量保证的剩余期限;(vi)如产品经梅特勒托利多修理,则应认为该修理工作不会导致产品整体以及那些未经梅特勒托利多修理或更换的部件的质量保证期间的延长或产生新的质量保证期间。除非买方事先书面通知梅特勒托利多,且梅特勒托利多同意其保证期间仍然适用,否则产品一经转移至梅特勒托利多交货国家以外时,所有的质量保证期将无效。

E. 保证期间的缺陷纠正方法——为纠正缺陷,梅特勒托利多将尝试通过电话或电子方式诊断和解决缺陷。某些产品具有远程支持功能,买方可通过该功能直接向梅特勒托利多报告问题,梅特勒托利多可对所报告的问题进行远程确定、解决。如买方联系梅特勒托利多欲使之履行保证范围内的工作,则其须遵照梅特勒托利多规定的问题确定和解决程序。梅特勒托利多协助确定问题期间或问题确定后的任何时间,梅特勒托利多均可要求买方将问题部件或产品送回以便检测。如梅特勒托利多认为需进行现场工作,则其将派遣技术服务人员进行现场工作。对于本可远程解决的缺陷,如买方就该缺陷通知梅特勒托利多并要求其提供现场服务,或梅特勒托利多发现买方所报告的缺陷并不存在或梅特勒托利多无需为之负责,则梅特勒托利多有权要求买方为此支付相关的服务费、差旅费等费用。梅特勒托利多鼓励买方利用其所能获得的远程支持技术。未安装和使用可获得的用于直接问题报告、远程问题确定和解决的远程连接工具,可能会导致响应时间延长,需买方承当的费用也可能将随着增加。


A. EQUIPMENT – MT warrants that under normal use: (i) its equipment, except for replacement parts, will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of 1 year from the date of delivery. For the products which require Company's supervision of their installation and commissioning, and provided that such supervision obligation of Company is stipulated in any of applicable contracts, the period of warranty shall be 12 month from the date of completion of the installation and commissioning, or 18 months from the date of the delivery, whichever occurs first; and (ii) replacement parts will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for 90 days from delivery. Should the defects described be found and reported during the term of the warranty, MT will, at its option, refund the purchase price, replace the equipment, or correct the defects by furnishing replacement parts and labor free of charge. Travel up to 80 kilometers (50 miles) from our nearest service representative or authorized service provider is free of charge for valid warranty claims.

B. SOFTWARE – If it is properly installed according to specifications and system requirements, MT warrants the software it develops will perform substantially the functions described in the software documentation it provides or, in the absence of any software documentation, as otherwise agreed in writing. MT does not warrant that the software is error-free, that Buyer will be able to operate the software without interruption, that third party interfaces or systems connected to the software will operate without interruption, or that the software will be free of vulnerability to intrusion or attack. Absent a separate warranty MT communicates to Buyer in writing, the warranty period for equipment operating software is the same as the warranty period for the equipment it's purchased with. The warranty period for any other software or software feature is 90 days from the date of delivery. For avoidance of doubt, our warranty includes bug fixing, but excludes any new features. Except as may be agreed otherwise in writing, MT provides no warranty for software specifically developed, amended, or customized for Buyer. These warranties also apply to any new releases and service MT may deliver in the future.

C. SERVICE – MT warrants that services will be performed in a workmanlike manner in conformity with standard industry practice. Should any nonconformity be detected within 30 days after the work is completed and Buyer gives MT prompt written notification, MT will supply the necessary service, direction, or consultation to correct the nonconformity.

D. GENERAL – The foregoing warranties are further subject to the following general conditions: (i) Consumables, accessories, normal wear and tear, wear parts, and perishables are expressly excluded. (ii) If Buyer requests warranty work during non-standard work times Buyer will be charged for premium time. (iii) These warranties do not apply where MT's equipment and/or software has been subjected to: accident, alteration, misuse, abuse, failure by Buyer to ensure proper storage, operation and/or maintenance, installation or servicing by personnel MT doesn't authorize, the addition or supply of equipment or software not approved for incorporation into MT equipment or software, environmental or operational conditions, or software or interfacing Buyer or a third party provide and any other causes MT is not responsible for. (iv) MT does not warrant the calibration of any equipment. MT does, however, warrant its equipment to be capable of being adjusted to meet MT's printed specifications, if any, for accuracy for the period of warranty above stated when properly installed and used. (v) Products of other manufacturers that MT sells are warranted by MT solely to the extent of any remaining warranty provided by the original manufacturer. (vi) If MT repairs equipment, such repair work will not extend existing nor generate new warranty coverage for the equipment as a whole or for those parts not repaired or replaced by MT. Unless Buyer gives MT written notice in advance, and MT agrees its warranty still applies, all warranties are void if product is moved outside the country MT delivered it to.

E. METHODS OF CORRECTION OF DEFECTS DURING WARRANTY – MT may attempt to diagnose and resolve defects over the telephone or electronically. Certain equipment contains remote support capabilities for direct problem reporting, remote problem determination, and resolution. When Buyer contacts MT for warranty work, Buyer must follow the problem determination, resolution, and procedure that MT specifies. MT may require return of the part or equipment to its depot for service or to assist in problem determination. If MT determines on-site work is required, a service technician will be scheduled. If Buyer gives MT notice of a defect and requests on-site work when the defect could have been remedied remotely, or if MT responds to Buyer's notice of defect and no defect is found for which MT is liable, MT is entitled to compensation for any work performed and costs it incurred as a result of Buyer's request. Failure to install and use available remote connectivity tools and equipment for direct problem reporting, remote problem determination, and resolution may result in increased response-time and additional costs to Buyer.


12. INDEMNITY – MT will pay Buyer for Buyer's losses that arise directly from a third party's bodily injury (including death) or damage to a third party's property if the injury or damage: (i) occurred in the course of MT's work; (ii) occurred on Buyer's property; and (iii) was exclusively caused by MT's negligent act or omission. Losses MT pays for may include reasonable legal fees and settlements of claim or suit. MT's obligation to pay for Buyer's losses arise only if Buyer gives MT prompt written notice of the loss, based on when Buyer should have reasonably anticipated the loss. If Buyer asks MT to pay for its loss it gives MT the sole and exclusive right to manage the defense of any claim related to it, and MT is authorized to settle or compromise such claims at its sole and exclusive discretion; and Buyer must cooperate in the defense of all claims as MT deems necessary.

13. 专利侵权——梅特勒托利多保护买方不会因购买或使用本合同项下梅特勒托利多设计的产品、软件或部件而被第三方指控为专利侵权。梅特勒托利多负有该等义务的前提是:(a)买方受到第三方该类指控,买方立即书面通知了梅特勒托利多并就该指控向梅特勒托利多提供了相应授权、信息和为该类指控抗辩的必要协助;以及(b)所谓的侵权并非因买方特别要求的设计或特殊需求而导致,也不因买方或其他人应用或使用产品或软件而导致。梅特勒托利多享有就该指控进行抗辩、和解或达成妥协的独有且排他的权利。如法院或仲裁部门确认梅特勒托利多负有责任,同时买方未采取任何影响到梅特勒托利多应对此控诉或解决事端能力的行动,则梅特勒托利多将支付所有应对指控的费用,承担诉讼或仲裁所确认的责任。一旦从买方处收到针对产品、软件或部件的专利侵权指控,则梅特勒托利多有权自担费用作以下任何一种选择:i)替买方取得使用该产品、软件或部件的权利;ii)用不会构成专利侵权的产品、软件替代侵权产品、软件;iii)对侵权产品、软件或部件进行更改,使之不侵权;iv)收回侵权产品、软件或部件,退还货款、运输费及安装费。前述内容即为发生专利侵权时梅特勒托利多应对买方承担的全部责任。

13. PATENT INFRINGEMENT – MT will defend any suit brought against Buyer if it is based on a valid claim that equipment or software of MT's design that Buyer purchased under this contract, or any part thereof, constitutes an infringement of any applicable patent. MT's obligation arises only if: (a) Buyer promptly notifies MT of the claim, in writing, and gives MT the authority, information, and assistance necessary to defend the claim; and (b) the alleged infringement is not the result of a design or other special requirement specified by Buyer, or the result of the application or the use to which Buyer or others put the equipment or software. MT will pay all damages and costs finally awarded against Buyer only if MT has the exclusive right to defend, settle, or compromise the suit and Buyer takes no action that damages MT's ability to conduct an effective defense, settlement, or compromise. Upon receiving notice from Buyer of an allegation that equipment, software, or a part infringes any patent, MT may, at its expense and option, either: (i) obtain for Buyer the right to continue using such equipment, software, or part; (ii) replace the equipment, software, or part with non-infringing equipment, software, or part; (iii) modify the equipment, software, or part so that it becomes non infringing; or (iv) remove the equipment, software, or part and refund the purchase price and all related transportation and installation costs. This is MT's entire liability to Buyer for patent infringement.


14. REGULATORY LAWS AND OR STANDARDS – MT behaves in accordance with relevant laws. MT also takes reasonable steps to keep its equipment compliant with standards and regulations that may apply to Buyer's use of MT's products. However, MT's equipment is utilized in many regulated applications and from time to time applicable standards and regulations are in conflict with each other. MT makes no promise or representation that its equipment will conform to any laws, regulations, codes, or standards, except as explicitly specified and agreed upon in writing by an authorized officer. Buyer is responsible for the correct installation, operation, and calibration of the equipment in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

15.产品手册——买方须按照 梅特勒托利多供货时一并提供的安装信息、产品和系统手册、操作和安全指南以及其它文件和规范进行操作。否则,梅特勒托利多有权不承担任何责任,包括质保责任。

15. PRODUCT MANUALS – It is essential for Buyer to follow the installation information, product and system manuals, operating and safety instructions, and other documentation and specifications MT provides with the equipment; MT disclaims any liability, including warranty liability, if Buyer does not.

16. 知识产权归属——除非梅特勒托利多明确地做出相反的书面同意,否则关于产品、软件和(或)服务所包含的任何专利、版权、商标、技术、设计、规格、以及其他知识产权的所有权均归属于梅特勒托利多。除了在适用的最终用户协议中另有规定,软件许可权系限于约定用途的一项非独占、不可转让、不得再授权的权利。

16. INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY – Unless MT expressly agrees in a writing to the contrary, MT does not transfer to Buyer any right of ownership in any patents, copyrights, trademarks, technologies, designs, specifications, drawings, or other intellectual property relating to the equipment, software, and/or services. Except as otherwise provided in an applicable EULA, the software license rights granted are non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, and limited to use for agreed purposes only.


17. DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES–IN NO EVENT WILL MT BE LIABLE TO BUYER OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY TYPE OF SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, WHETHER SUCH DAMAGES ARISE OUT OF OR ARE A RESULT OF BREACH OF CONTRACT, WARRANTY, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY, OR OTHERWISE, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER THE CONTRACT WOULD FAIL OF ITS ESSENTIAL PURPOSE. Such damages include but are not limited to loss of profits or revenues, loss of use of the equipment or associated equipment and software, cost of substitute equipment or software, facilities, down time costs, increased construction costs, damage to reputation, loss of customers, or claims of Buyer's customers or contractors for such damages. Buyer may not transfer, assign, or lease the equipment or software sold or licensed under this contract to any third party without first securing from them the protection afforded to MT in this section.

18. 责任限制——对于因买方或第三方的行为或疏忽(无论是过失还是其他原因)引起的损失、索赔、费用、损害,梅特勒托利多均不负责任。在任何情形下,与梅特勒托利多根据本标准条款向买方销售的产品、许可的软件或提供服务相关的各种赔偿或损失,梅特勒托利多应承担的责任累计不超过引起索赔的产品/服务的合同金额。

18. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY – MT is not liable for any loss, claim, expense, or damage caused by, contributed to, or arising out of the acts or omissions of Buyer or third parties, whether negligent or otherwise. In no event will MT's aggregate liability for any and all types of damages or losses related to this contract or the equipment, software, or services sold, licensed, or delivered pursuant hereto exceed the cost of the item giving rise to the claim, whether based in contract, warranty, indemnity, or tort (including negligence).

19. 对免费提供的信息或协助免责——除非有欺诈性虚假陈述,否则,梅特勒托利多非因本合同要求而向买方提供的任何信息、帮助或建议,并不应被理解为梅特勒托利多的义务,梅特勒托利多对此亦不承担任何责任。

19. NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR GRATUITOUS INFORMATION OR ASSISTANCE – Except for fraudulent misrepresentations, MT is not responsible for any information, assistance, or advice given to Buyer if such information, assistance, or advice was not required by this contract.

20. 保险——经买方请求,梅特勒托利多可向买方提供包含标准责任范围、限制或附加限制的合理保险证明。买方同意对相关信息予以严格保密。梅特勒托利多无意使第三方直接从该保险中受益,亦无意使其获得与保险相关的额外权利,比如指定额外被保险人。

20. INSURANCE – Upon request, MT will provide reasonable evidence of insurance showing its standard coverage and limits or relevant sublimits. Buyer agrees to keep such information strictly confidential. MT does not provide third parties direct access to its insurance or give additional rights to its insurance, such as naming additional insured parties.

21. 不可抗力——除买方所应支付的货款,若本合同任一当事人因超出其能合理控制的原因而未履行或迟延履行合同义务的,则其在本合同项下应履行义务的时间做合理延长。火灾、洪水、地震、叛乱、爆炸、战争、暴乱、骚乱、恐怖活动、紧急事件、物料短缺、气候异常、法律变动等均属于前述所称的原因,但这些并未穷尽超出合同任意一方合理控制的全部原因。

21. FORCE MAJEURE – Except for payments owed by Buyer, the period for performance of this contract will be reasonably extended if a party defaults or is delayed in performing their obligations under this contract, for reasons beyond their reasonable control. Strikes, insurrection, acts of God, war, terrorist activities, emergencies, shortages or unavailability of materials, weather, change in law, and other similar causes are among the reasons, but are not the only reasons, that are beyond a party's reasonable control.

22.出口控制——买方承认并认可,梅特勒托利多的产品或软件可能包含受欧洲 、美国、产品交付地或使用地国家出口管制的技术或软件。如买方出口或再出口这些产品或软件,买方应独自负责遵守这些限制性规定。买方同意,如其自己及其员工、顾问、代理商或客户违反这些出口限制并因此给梅特勒托利多造成损害,则买方将向梅特勒托利多做出赔偿,使之免受损害。

22. EXPORT CONTROL - Buyer acknowledges that the equipment or software may include technologies and software that are subject to export control regulations in Europe, the United States of America, or other countries in which the equipment or software is delivered or used. Buyer is solely responsible for complying with these restrictions if it exports or re-exports the equipment or software. Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold MT harmless from any violation of export restrictions by Buyer or Buyer's employees, consultants, agents, or customers cause.

23. 解释——即使本合同中的任何条款和条件相互抵触或根据相关法律被确定为无效,该合同条款和条件并不因此而无效,而应被解释为本合同不包含该条款和条件。该无效、不合法或不可执行的条款应被视为经自动修改后包含在本条款和条件之中,该修改应至少达到能使该条款有效、合法且可执行的程度。梅特勒托利多对任何与本条款或条件不符之处放弃追究或免予追究不构成对任何先前的或随后的不符之处放弃追究或免予追究。

23. INTERPRETATION – If any of these terms and conditions conflicts with or is invalid under applicable law, these terms and conditions will be read as if such term or provision was not included. The invalid, illegal, or unenforceable provision will be deemed automatically modified and, as so modified, included in these terms and conditions. Such modifications will be made to the minimum extent necessary to make the provision valid, legal, and enforceable. MT's waiver or excuse of any noncompliance with these terms and conditions does not constitute a waiver or excuse of any prior or subsequent noncompliance.


24. GOVERNING LAW AND PLACE OF JURISDICTION – The performance of the parties to this contract, and the relationship between the parties, is subject to the applicable laws of the country where the Mettler Toledo office identified on the MT order documents is located. Exclusive place of jurisdiction shall be the court where Mettler Toledo is located. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is explicitly excluded.

25. 电子电器废弃物——买方应依照相关法规独自负责对产品进行处理。所有与该处理相关的费用皆应由买方承担。

25. WEEE – When required by applicable law, MT will dispose of electrical and electronic equipment waste (WEEE) at Buyer's costs.


26. TRACEABILITY – Buyer acknowledges that MT is entitled to retrace or recall equipment, or take other corrective actions to the equipment. Buyer will actively support MT when this need arises. If Buyer resells equipment to a third party, it will be considered the distributor of the equipment under applicable laws and must assume all obligations relating thereto, including but not limited to the following: (i) keep all documents and information necessary to retrace or recall equipment sold to third parties for a minimum of 10 years; (ii) immediately inform MT of any complaints or adverse incidents related to the equipment, and promptly comply with all directions MT gives regarding the investigation or handling of the matter; and (iii) comply with all applicable storage and transportation duties.

27.个人数据和其他信息——买方同意,梅特勒托利多有权根据相关法律使用、处理和储存基于本合同而获得的任何数据,亦有权允许第三方代表其使用、处理和储存前述数据。除非买方与梅特勒托利多的合同中另有约定,否则我们向买方提供的销售与服务不涉及梅特勒托利多为买方或代表买方处理个人数据。在我们与您的合作中,我们将会需要有限度地处理有关您的一些雇员或承包商的个人信息,用以回应您的询问或请求,以及执行我们之间的合同(如,为了处理和执行订单、处理付款、安排发货和交货,以及提供维修和支持服务)。梅特勒托利多将使用您在购买产品或服务过程中从您处获取的详细联系方式,用于类似产品或服务的直接营销。您可以在任何时间通过联系 告知我们您不接受营销沟通。如您需要了解更多信息,请访问 以了解我们的隐私政策。

27. PERSONAL DATA AND OTHER INFORMATION – Buyer agrees MT is entitled to use, process, and store, and allow a third party to use, process, and store on MT's behalf, any data MT obtains under this contract, in accordance with relevant laws. Unless specifically agreed in the MT order documents, our sales and services to Buyer do not involve any processing by MT of personal data for or on behalf of Buyer. In the framework of our relationships with you, we may process limited personal data of some of your employees or contractors which we use in order to respond to your enquiries or requests, and to execute our contracts with you (e.g. to process & execute orders, process payments, arrange shipments and deliveries, and to provide repairs and support services). MT will use the contact details obtained from you in the context of your purchase of a product or a service for direct marketing of similar products or services. You may at any time request not to receive marketing communications by contacting us at For more information please see our Privacy Policy at

